Этот период часто называют золотым периодом развития укиё-э. Начинается он с 1765 года, времени появления цветной ксилографии нисики-э.
Создателем метода печати многоцветной гравюры был Судзуки Харунобу (1725-1770). Начав с печати с трех-четырех матриц, Харунобу увеличил число досок до 7-9, стал активно использовать различные возможности техники: тиснение по влажной бумаге, печать золотым и серебряным порошком. Введение новых, более сложных и дорогостоящих техник объяснялось возникновением моды на специальные гравюры суримоно, выпускавшиеся небольшим тиражом для узкого круга любителей, к различным датам или специально к Новому году. Кроме суримоно, Харунобу ввел в обиход специальные календарные гравюры экоёми.
В области художественных и образных решений новшества Харунобу были не менее значительны. Он создаёт свой, особый тип изображения красавиц. На смену величавым и статным красавицам Кайгэцудо и Масанобу приходят хрупкие юные девушки, почти подростки, необычайно трогательные и грациозные. Атмосфера доверительности, камерности характерна для всех произведений Судзуки Харунобу.
Один из самых знаменитых художников укиё-э, во многом определивший особенности японской классической ксилографии периода её расцвета – Китагава Утамаро(1753-1806). Многие его прекрасные альбомы, серии станковых гравюр появились в результате длительного сотрудничества с известным издателем Цутая Дзюсабуро. Утамаро прославился, прежде всего, благодаря погрудным портретам куртизанок, а также полиптихам с жанровыми сценами фудзоку-га,, иллюстрированным альбомам, сериям с парными портретами влюбленных.
Особняком в истории японской гравюры стоит творчество Тосюсая Сяраку (работал в 1794-1795 гг.). В течение десяти месяцев из мастерской всё того же известного издателя Цутая Дзюсабуро выходит более 140 театральных гравюр этого художника — портретов актеров театра Кабуки в различных ролях. Затем он внезапно исчезает. Все его работы отмечены высоким мастерством. Острая характерность, граничащая с гротеском, сознательное искажение пропорций фигур, жестов, черт лица придают его персонажам необычайную выразительность.
К этому периоду относится творчество ведущих представителей других художественных династий Утагава Тоёкуни (1769-1825), Тории Киёнага (1752–1815), Хосода Эйси (1756-1829), Кубо Сюнман (1757-1820) и др.
A series of Children Games of the Five Festivals (“Osana asobi gosekku no uchi”) C. 1840 А-29483 |
A series of Children Games of the Five Festivals (“Osana asobi gosekku no uchi”) C. 1840 А-29484 |
Horses under a Cherry Tree in Blossom. A series of The New Edition of Colour Woodblock Prints 1817–1833 А-30626 |
Man Writing on the Pillar the Album’s Name: The New Edition of Illustrated Books. A series of The New Edition of Colour Woodblock Prints 1817–1833 А-30624 |
Playng Menko (Playing with a Сord) C. 1804–1806 А-3641 |
A series of Children Games of the Five Festivals (“Osana asobi gosekku no uchi”) C. 1840 А-29482 |
A series of The New Edition of Colour Woodblock Prints 1817–1833 А-30625 |
View of Atagoyama in Toto (Edo) C. 1771-1772 А-33732 |
Woman with a Child on Her Back C. 1795 А-3630 |
Shizuka Gozen Dancing at Wakamiya, Tsurugaoka. C. 1797 А. 31831-31833 |
Riding Together in a Ferry-Boat C. 1796–1798 А-852 |
Takigawa of Ōgiya with Kaburo and Shinzō 1791–1793 А-33716 |
Daughter of the Noble Family Descending from a Palanquin 1801–1804 А. 31834-31836 |
Akasaka Station. Woman Making Net and Child. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2564 |
Fujisawa Station. Two Women and Porter Boy at Temple Gates. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2547 |
Futagawa Station. Resting Woman. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2562 |
Hamamatsu Station. Pine-Trees on Sea Shore. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2559 |
Hiratsuka Station. Two Men Resting under Tree. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2548 |
Ishiyakushi Station. Purification at a Temple Entrance. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2567 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2544 |
Kusatsu Station. Cooking Vegetables. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2570 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2560 |
Minaguchi Station. Two Women and Dancing Child A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2569 |
Mishima Station. Two Boys on Buffalos. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2550 |
Mitsuki Station. Eaters of Soba. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2558 |
Noda (Chidori) Tamagawa, Mutsu C. 1801–1804 А-857 |
Numazu Station. Boys with Rakes A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2551 |
Okabe Station. Traveller Resting in a Tea House. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2556 |
Okitsu Station. Shells and Fish. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2554 |
Shinagawa Station. Sericulture. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2543 |
Shirasuka Station. Preparing Dough. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2561 |
Tsuchiyama Station. Still Life with Combs. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2568 |
Unknown Station. Bathing of Horse. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2546 |
Yoshida Station. Still Live with Mask and Fern Leaves. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2563 |
Yoshiwara Station. Making Tofu. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2553 |
Ōiso Station. Two Women and Boy by Torakoishi Stone. A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2549 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804 А-2571 |
Sailboats Returning to Yabase. C. 1800 А-33982 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4466 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4469 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4461 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4463 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4471 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-6541 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4459 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4473 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations C. 1804–1810 А-6540 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations C. 1804–1810 А-6537 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4465 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4472 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4470 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4474 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4460 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4468 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations C. 1804–1810 А-33738/б |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations 1804–1810 А-4464 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7796-7797 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7798-7799 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7800-7801 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7802-7803 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations C. 1804–1810 А-33738 |
A series of 53 Tōkaidō Stations C. 1804–1810 А-33737 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7806-7807 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7808-7809 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7810-7811 |
Karauta of Chojiya with Kamuro. Edo-machi 2-chome C. 1811–1814 А-3063 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7804-7805 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7812-7813 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7814-7815 |
A series of Perspective Chushingura, New Edition А-7816-7817 |
Greenish Blue Colour. Woman Reading a Tanzaku C. 1811–1812 А-3076 |
The Dance "Rakugan" ("Flying down Goose") from the Farce "Tsurigitsune" ("Catching the Fox"). C. 1812–1813 А-3074 |
A series of The Paper Lanterns With Word-Play C. 1812–1813 А-3071 |
A series of The Paper Lanterns With Word-Play C. 1812–1813 А-3079 |
The First Love Songs of Adulthood C. 1804–1818 А-3090 |
"Wedded Rocks" of Futamigaura Bay Before 1820 А-30314 |
Actor Segawa Kikunojō V as Benzaiten A series of Actor Segawa Kikunojo V in a Dance Performance with Seven Transformations. C. 1810–1825 А-29612 |
Actor Segawa Kikunojō V as Dancing Peasant Woman A series of Actor Segawa Kikunojo V in a Dance Performance with Seven Transformations. C. 1810–1825 А-29604 |
Actor Segawa Kikunojō V as Isami A series of Actor Segawa Kikunojo V in a Dance Performance with Seven Transformations. C. 1810–1825 А-29605 |
Hirai Yasumasa, Sakata Kintoki and Watanabe Tsuna Slaying the Giant Spider. Before 1820 А. 29530-29531 |
Karauta of Chōjiya with the Kamuro Kotano and Tsumaki. The “Kayoi” Episode A series of Poems of the Seven Episodes of Komachi`s Life C. 1818–1820 А-880 |
Mother and Child Watching Goldfish C. 1810–1815 А-3078 |
Musicians and Monkey Trainer in a boat C. 1806-1823 А-4387 |
Procession on Azuma Bridge, Toto. After 1815 А. 3087-3089 |
Sailboats Returning from Yabase After 1815 А-3058 |
Stroll at Futamigaura Bay in the Ise Province The first third of the XIX century А-827 |
The Eighth Month – Leaves Month A series of Modern Beauties of the Twelve Month 1810–1820 А-835 |
Twelvth Month – the Last Month of the Year A series of Modern Beauties of the Twelve Month 1810–1820s А-833 |
Yoyoyama of Matsubaya with Kamuro After 1815 А-3066 |
Shigeoka of Okamotoya with Kamuro. After 1815 А-3060 |
A Girl with an Umbrella in the Snow. C. 1815–1825 А-832 |
A Young Man and a Girl with Falcons. A series of Unhappy Lovers 1815-1825 А-30634 |
A series of The New Edition of Colour Woodblock Prints 1817–1833 А-30623 |
A series of The New Edition of Colour Woodblock Prints 1817–1833年 А-6502 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers C. 1815–1825 А-30640 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers C. 1815–1825 А-30639 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers C. 1815–1825 А-30638 |
Minamoto no Yorimitsu (Raikō). C. 1820 А-2601 |
Nareginu and Sodeginu of Wakanaya 1815–1820 А-34269 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers 1815-1825 А-30635 |
Oiran in a Kimono with a Carp Design 1815–1825 А-828 |
Oiran in a Kimono with a Dragon Design C. 1815–1825 А-830 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers C. 1815–1825 А-30637 |
Woman Reading a Letter by Lantern Light. C. 1815–1825 А-30633 |
A series of Unhappy Lovers C. 1815–1825 А-30636 |
Washing. Mitate of Tamagawa in Chōfu 1820s (reprint) А-4382 |
Beauty Comparison: Utagawa of Tamaya C. 1828–1833 А-29603 |
A series of Flowers and Birds, different series After 1832 А-27385 |
Geisha with a Shamisen of Second Quarter Before 1832 А-29622 |
A series of 36 Views of Mount Fuji C. 1829–1831 А-4371 |
Sodegaura, Soshu, Sagami Province A series of Unusial Views of Famous Places C. 1835 А-30364 |
The Our Days Scenes of Fifeflies Hunting. C. 1830s А. 3952-3954 |
View from Tsukudazima in Musashi Province. A series of 36 Views of Mount Fuji C. 1829–1831 А-6508 |
4. Theatre District at Nicho-Machi A series of Famous Places of the Eastern Capital (“Tōto meisho”) 1833 А-18898 |
Arashi Rikan II as Taro Yoshikado C. 1832–1833 А-30614 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-723 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-733 |
Red Maples near Kaianji Temple A series of Famous Places of the Eastern Capital (“Tōto meisho”) C. 1833 А-32101 |
Seki. Early Departure from the Inn. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-753 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-747 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-727 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-757 |
Ishiyakushi. The Ishiyakushi Temple. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-752 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-712 |
Kioto. The Great Bridge at Sanjo. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō Ок. 1833‐1835 А-760 |
Kusatsu. The Famous Ubumochiya Restaurant A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-758 |
Kuwana. The Sailing Boats Landing at the Mouth of Kiso River A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-750 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-728 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-756 |
Miya. Shinto Ceremonies at Atsuta Shrine. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-749 |
Narumi. Famous Fabrics Produced at Arimatsu. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-748 |
Otsu. The Running Well Tea House. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-759 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-32127 |
Sakanoshita. The Peak of Mt. Fudjisute. A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-754 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-711 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-755 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō 1833–1834 А-751 |
Cherry Trees in Blossom at Yoshino. (From the series “Snow, Moon, Flowers” (“Setsu-Gekka”)) C. 1830s А-4372 |
A series of Flowers and Birds, different series C. 1832–1841 А-27826 |
Enjoying the Moon Reflected in the Water Mid 1830s – early 1840s А-30424 |
Kirifuri Waterfall, Mt. Kurokamiyama in Shimotsuke Province. A series of Tour of the Waterfalls in Various Provinces Early 1830s. Reprint of 1860s А-30617 |
Kiyotaki Kannon Waterfall on Tōkaidō Road A series of Tour of the Waterfalls in Various Provinces Early 1830s. Reprint of 1860s А-30616 |
Mandarin Ducks and Bamboo in Snow A series of Flowers and Birds, different series C. 1832–1834 А-30333 |
Mt. Myogizan, Joshu in Kozuke Province. A series of Unusial Views of Famous Places C. 1835 А-30365 |
Ono Waterfall on Kisokaidō Highway. A series of Tour of the Waterfalls in Various Provinces Early 1830s. Reprint of 1860s А-30620 |
A series of Flowers and Birds, different series C. 1847–1848 А-33905 |
A series of Tōkaidō in images of Beauties C. 1830–1835 А-29615 |
A series of Tōkaidō in images of Beauties C. 1830–1835 А-29616 |
A series of Tōkaidō in images of Beauties C. 1830–1835 А-29614 |
Wild Duck in the Reeds with Falling Snow. A series of Flowers and Birds, different series 1830s–1850s А-34116 |
Yoro Waterfall in Mino Province. A series of Tour of the Waterfalls in Various Provinces Начало 1830-х. Перепечатки 1860-х А-30619 |
Yoshitsune Fall, Mountain Yoshino in Yamato Province. A series of Tour of the Waterfalls in Various Provinces Early 1830s. Reprint of 1860s А-30622 |
Illustration to the Poem of Ariwara no Narihira. (825–880) A series of "Hyakunin Isshu" in the Wet-Nurse`s Stories (with Illustrations) 1835–1836 А-34261 |
Illustration to the Poem of Dainagon Tsunenobu (Tanemasu) (?–1096). A series of "Hyakunin Isshu" in the Wet-Nurse`s Stories (with Illustrations) 1835–1836 А-4373 |
A series of Flowers and Birds, different series C. 1840 А-27363 |
A series of Humorous Pictures 1830/1840–1850 А-28696 |
A series of Humorous Pictures 1830/1840–1850 А-28756 |
A series of 36 Views of Mount Fuji 1830-35s (reprint of 1948) А-32302 |
A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō (the so-called "Kyoka Tokaido") C. 1841–1842 А-29273 |
Last Station. Kyoto, Imperial Palace A series of 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō (the so-called "Kyoka Tokaido") C. 1841–1842 А-29192 |
Mt. Fuji in Clear Weather (Red Fuji) A series of 36 Views of Mount Fuji 1948 A-32304 |
Vain Search of the Taira Sword C. 1844 А. 30017–30019 |
Enjoing Cherry Blossom at Ōji. 1840s (reprint of 1840s from 1810s engraiving) А-3083 |
Teahouse Waitress with a Lantern in Her Hand. 1843–1845 А-30631 |
The Twelfth Month. The End of the Year. 1840–1848 А-33724 |
Bandō Hikosaburō (?) as Hangaku After 1849 (?) А-27768 |